Director: Terry Gilliam
Main Actors: Bruce Willis, Madeleine Stowe, Brad Pitt
Notable Supporting Actors: Christopher Plummer
Well, a time travel movie. Trying to figure out the science of time travel and its implications is hard enough let alone even considering the possibility of doing so. This movie takes a very strange approach to time travel and leaves you spinning in circles for a good portion of the movie while you try to figure out whether the main character, James Cole (played by Bruce Willis), is really insane or whether he is traveling back and forth in time.
I do not recommend this movie for everyone but if you're up for a good mind bending sci-fi ride then this one is as good and as solid as any. Not only will it compel you to think but it will also make you laugh in places as Brad Pitt pulls off an amazing performance as the insane son of a pharmaceutical scientist played by Christopher Plummer.
The soundtrack is quirky and fits in well with the strange plot and characters as Madeleine Stowe's character, Kathryn Railly tries to retain her sanity mixed in with this lot. She does an excellent job as a leading lady and doesn't force feed you her natural beauty as movies often do.
The film takes a very negative outlook on the future and does not make any attempt to exalt man as being a great pinnacle of the universe as it is through human weakness and frailty that the story is moved along. So I warn you do not go into this movie and expect to come out feeling wonderful, not saying there aren't any positive messages but you learn more from the mistakes in this film than in the right things they do.